воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aragorn from lord picture ring

Our current Social Studies unit, The First Americans, is moving right along.� As a culminating project, each student will put together a diorama, depicting daily life in one of ten Native American civilizations.

The project is due on Friday, October 24th; complete instructions were sent home with your child [on Thursday of last week]� Please get an early start on this assignment, and turn it in on time.

A study guide will be sent home soon, and our Unit Test is planned for Tuesday, October 28th.� The sheets in your child's Social Studies folder will also help him/her to prepare for the test.� Please help your child study

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first air airlines

I donapos;t understand men.

I want to freeze myself and wake up in 10 years and try this all over again.

I tried. And I did exactly what I said I would do. I pushed him away. Genius.

Screw falling in love. Screw trusting people. All they do is let you down. The person who tells you the honest truth and gives you useful advice is the only person you can trust. So, Brian. Thank you.

I am going to cry now. Itapos;s all I feel like doing.

Because I tried and it didnapos;t do any good.

circuit electronic power, first air airlines, first air airline, first aidshock, first aids victim.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cullowhee house nc rental

Didnapos;t realise properly�this till it was pointed out last night, but I do have a problem with being abandoned for boyfriends.

I have a general problem with being abandoned to begin with, I really cannot deal with being abandoned by friends for boyfriends or for MEN in general.

Lolly put it beautifully last night, she said

"Who treats you better? I do. Who loves you the most?�Me. Whoapos;s likely to stick around in the long run? I am. So why the hell are you picking him over ME?"

I donapos;t have�the patience or sympathy to wait for those who left to return. Donapos;t expect to find me where I used to be, with my arms wide open ready to slaughter a calf for you. Like iapos;ve said, I donapos;t believe in the prodigal son.
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communication style therapy

I donapos;t understand sometimes. Everyday I replay my life over and over. What was it that made me lose control? I am afraid the depth of my sadness is too far for repair. My only hope is finding my way into the light. I am often told it is for weak minded people who cannot comprehend death and "nothing." Neither darkness nor light. Iapos;m not afraid of Nothing. I often think to myself it is quite the easier option. It is this pain that I am slowly becoming accustomed to. My burns continuously get deeper, and I think if I head down this path a few more years I will hit my breaking point. Itapos;s not even that I think it, I just about expect it to happen. That explains my apathy. But my family doesnapos;t get it. After all I donapos;t. I realize that I am in a vicious cycle and all it takes is for me to step out. But I donapos;t think I can. My self esteem is incredibly low and I donapos;t feel as sharp as I once was. Then I start to think was I ever at all? Was I ever anything I though I once had been? I am not the baby anymore, without having any younger siblings. Am I even number five, or have I been completely pushed out of the equation? Why should I even care? My hardly parents who treat each other like shit. Your big mouths talk of leaving one another. Can you even begin to realize not a single other person in the world would put up with your crap? And my siblings who would put every other person in the world before me. Why do I feel so alone when I come from such a large family? I have come to the conclusion that my child hood lied to me, and I have been brainwashed by the Disney company. Twenty years and I have not seen a single happy ending. Surrounded by drugs in my childhood, depending on alcohol as an escape in my teen years. I am terrified of having a future because my life has and always will be a pile of shit. I just want to runaway. I want to runaway and never look back. I feel as if I am not alive...I feel as if life has abandoned me.
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florida ground covers

School isnapos;t hard. Itapos;s working a full time job and trying to go to school full time thatapos;s the killer.

I donapos;t think Iapos;ve ever been so sleep-deprived in my entire life. These are the first two days in a row that Iapos;ve had time off of both school AND work (with the exception of the weekend after my grandfather passed). Iapos;m taking the day to just....be lazy. Iapos;m picking up Ruth from CSUF and weapos;re going to look at bridesmaid dresses at Davidapos;s Bridal. Not anything big, I just need to do something fun.

A coworker asked if I wanted to hang out. As gung-ho as Iapos;ve been on the idea of refusing to make friends with people at work...I caved. Iapos;m so ronery...so ronery...so ronery and sadry arone. Lol. But seriously, I just need someone to hang out with that isnapos;t my fiance or my roommate. I love Alex and Ruth, but there is something called "too much of a good thing". The only thing is she said something about how she wants to go to a bar sometime soon, and seeing as I donapos;t drink anymore that may be an awkward conversation. Plus, even if I went and DIDNapos;T drink, Iapos;d rather not sit there with a glass of orange juice and taking random cat calls from the local drunks. I get that enough from the fucking day laborers at my job.

Speaking of my job...they made me take this online class about how to communicate better with our customers who donapos;t speak English, saying how we should learn phrases in Spanish to better communicate. You know, Iapos;m all for helping people out, but Iapos;m not going to go out of my way to try and speak with someone who isnapos;t bothering to learn English.

I have NOTHING against Mexicans....anyone who grew up with me WHERE I grew up can attest to that. I just get sick of people coming up to me...me being very VERY obviously white...speaking Spanish to me and assuming that I understand them. And then they have the audacity to get pissed off at me when I say I donapos;t speak spanish. Itapos;s really a bunch of bullshit. I consider myself a very liberal woman, however...this is the U.S. My native language is nothing other than English, and I shouldnapos;t be expected to learn another language to be able to cater to people who arenapos;t putting forth the effort to learn ours, which they should be doing if theyapos;re going to reside here.

I really LOVE it when people who have a hard time speaking English just try, even if itapos;s not perfect and they donapos;t pronounce things or say things correctly. Iapos;m just happy that theyapos;re trying, because when you move to another country you cannot expect the native people to cater to you. No way would I move to Korea and expect them to speak English for me. It just makes me really happy that theyapos;re trying to fit into the community and make their residency here easier. Itapos;s awesome. But Iapos;ve known too many people from back home...my friend Teresa is a prime example. Her parents came over from Mexico when her mom was pregnant with Teresa...so 1986. Her mother STILL cannot speak more than 5 words of English. She can understand it alright, but thatapos;s only half of the battle. Sheapos;s had ample time to learn, but she never put forth the effort. Those are the type of people that make me angry, because itapos;s those people who I have to cater to.

So thatapos;s my rant on why I hate Home Depot...and people who move here and donapos;t bother to learn English. And itapos;s not just Mexicans, people from China and Japan and Russia and different European countries...just so happens that half of Home Depotapos;s customers (thatapos;s a store demographic) are Hispanic.

K. Iapos;m done.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cyber pet adoption


Iapos;m a very loud, extroverted person who enjoys good company, conversation and style. Iapos;m full of energy, love to face life head-on, and believe that rules are guidelines meant to be challenged. While Iapos;m a big-picture person, I also tend to be sensitive to how small things make a big difference- be it in art, music, or life itself.

To me, music is about expression. Itapos;s created by the artist to be experienced by the listener- be it on record, or live performance. A successful musician, to me, is able to effectively connect with his audience. As a musician and songwriter, it is my ultimate aim to share with you how I feel, and have you take something away from it. As a music lover, I enjoy experiencing this from other musicians as well, whether they are touring professionals or weekend warriors.

So why do we do it? Why do musicians write, play, perform and share music? Why do ordinary people pay money to listen to records or go to shows? I believe it is because that at the end of the day, no matter how mundane and meaningless life seems to get, music allows us to share something special with other people. It reminds us that deep down, weapos;re all the same, and that it is a privilege to be alive.

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feminist thought

I donapos;t want to go to work. Another day of getting skeezed on by the general public, no thank you. As much as I hate the idea, I need to start working with children. At least they wonapos;t tell you that they envy your lunch (because your mouth is on it, how cute). Maybe I could trade an apple off for some dunkaroos or something.

Not that I eat lunch very often as it is.

I donapos;t really know how late Iapos;ll be staying. 10-3 seems to be the general idea - but because Iapos;m covering for Michelle, I donapos;t expect her to actually show up. At least Iapos;ll be alone.
feminist thought, feminist thinkers, feminist therapy techniques, feminist therapy referral project.